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Sunday, August 26, 2012

does anyone ever think of the guilty?

someone does something wrong. either on purpose or by accident. but a mistake is always a mistake and it can never be reversed. a momento that broke, a word that was never meant to be said, a heart that wasnt supposed to be broken, a trigger that wasnt never to be pulled.

stories. there are countless stories. stories of death in a ragging case. a bike race that finishes in the morgue. a love story gone wrong. so many things. people sympathise with the victim. but what about the guilty?

they're the ones who have to live with their conscience. they're the one who shall never get rid of the ghost. they are their own tormentors. a jail sentence or capital punishment may never match up to the slow torture it is to live with guilt, and yet move on with life.

as a person who herself is living with guilt. i'm no stranger to that ghost lurking at the back of my head, the constant reminder of what ive done. the shadow that follows me. the thousands of "what if" 's that clog my brain, tainting every single thought that enters my mind. its become my परछाई

but sometimes this very guilt is fuel. its the driving force behind change, behind revolution. a friend of mine said: after destroying a life, any number of lives that you change is just penance. 

Swirls 'n' Twirls :D