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Monday, April 27, 2009

Tra La La La La La
Just came back from school. Today was geog test. Will surely fail. I know it, I see it in the horizon, I smell it in the wind, I feel it in my veins, I know i will fail. Haha, it rhymes. I was spending the whole time since i came home yesterday from our family outing, today in the bus, before and during assembly, throughout other lessons, during Hindi, during break, to study for the geog test. But alas! As fate would have had it, all that was tested, was the ones that i could not remember properly!!!!!!!!! So sad :(

Anyway, today was also the Eng book review presentation for the Lord Of The F***s, (don't worry, it only stands for flies.) I think ours went pretty well, we had a lot of info. Though our presentation was too long and some parts were kind of repetitive, i still think we did well.

I watched DID yesterday. I missed Saturday's episode coz me and my sis were looking at the photos, remember? Anyway, it was Remo's turn to choreograph this week. It was quite nice. I liked the one where Jai and Sidhesh performed. It was funny and creative. Dancing and doing tricks with a chair. Though best performance awarded went to Sunita and Prince, i did not really like their performance.

Yesterday I told you I would be going on a family outing didn't I? We had a great time. It was a refreshing break from all my school, computer and everything else. We went to Bollywood Veggies, a farm. It was so beautiful and serene. After having lunch there, we went to Sungi Boloh Wetland Reserve. We were joined by our family friends then. Everything there was just sooooo nice and beautiful. We even saw this gigantic Malaysian Monitor Lizard.

Anyway, I just can't get this video we took in India out of my head. It is called rescuing Pratika. It is in Hindi, but i have so thoughtfully translated it for you. When i find out how to, i will post the video up here. (Go on, laugh at my computer illiteracy)

Scene: Pratika going down a slope of a mountain, crying.
Pratika: I am now going to commit suicide.
Me(director): Louder! Too soft, cannot hear.
Pratika (louder): I am going to commit suicide! (looks around funnily coz people are staring.)
Pratika(screams!): Somebody help me! (coz she is scared and realised she does not want to die)
Abhi and Me(running down the slope): No! Don't! We are there for you! Don't do this to us.
(we save her and then double up laughing coz it is just soo funny.)

Yes, i know it is lame, you don't need to tell me. But, you should just look at the video. It would help a lot if you understood Hindi and if you were there while the video was being shot. Then, you would understand what was so funny about it.

Swirls 'n' Twirls :D